Interview with Made in Wales TV about Bold Beanies
Posted by Emilienne Rebel on
I generally don't like doing TV interviews (thats why I went into Radio!) but when Made in Wales contacted me I thought it sounded like a nice way to promote business in Wales.
Abi was lovely and genuinely interested in the products. We talked about the how the idea for Bold Beanies came about from me loosing my hair to grade 3 advanced breast cancer and that I felt cold, especially at night time. I explained that scarves would slip, woollen hats were too itchy and got too hot and my wig I only wore on 2 occasions throughout the whole of my chemotherapy treatment at the request of my eldest daughter who was then only 4 years old. All I wanted was a soft thin stretchy natural cotton beanie hat, but something stylish too for a younger person going through cancer. Because of my surgery (lumpectomy, Sentinal lymph node removal and mastectomy) it needed to be really easy to put on... you need to lift your arms a long time to tie a scarf properly! I needed to forget I was wearing a hat and get on with my day and treatment.
That was my lightbulb moment for Bold Beanies and I knew I had to make these once I started to feel well again.
10 years on since my initial diagnosis and I now work full time on my Bold Beanies business. So lucky to have my manufacturing locally available and the advancements in technology and social media allowing me to sell my hair loss chemo cancer alopecia hats all over the world.
We discussed how it want important for to offer caps for Men, women and kids and how using the silky soft fabrics from Liberty Art Fabrics and a whole range of plains to suit all. Being a small business means I can offer unique customisation with any name, slogan or logo of the beanie skull caps and can make a difficult situation just a little bit more bearable by making someone smile and giving them one less thing to worry about.
White Bear and Muffin got in on the action to showcase the match kids teddy/dolly beanies for a child going through hair loss. I explained about the Bold Beanies Bouquets and how nice it is to give and receive flowers, but even better if they can be practical too. Three or more hats are rolled to look like roses in this unique cancer chemotherapy gift. A similar price point to Inter-flora flowers, so great for work colleagues or loved ones from afar. You are no longer allowed to send real flowers on to a hospital ward anyway.
I'll share a link to the interview when it becomes available.
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